
Into action

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Into action



A great idea without execution has no value! Entrepreneurship is when you act upon opportunities and ideas and transform them into value for others. To transform ideas into value requires concrete action. This means you have to move, go for it and take action to make things happen, to realize your dream, to feel success, to create value for yourself, your surroundings, your community or even for the world. 

This Into Action Playlist is one of the 3 learning playlist we developed to help you create awareness, activate, train and develop a entrepreneurial mind, attitude and skills.

This playlist includes activities to support you to understand what it takes to go into action or realize things and the skills/steps you need to know about and go through to make sure you succeed. 

The activities on this playlist are based on Entrecomp (The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework) The  Entrecomp framework identifies entrepreneurial competences which are seen as transversal competence. Transversal competences are competences that applies to all spheres of life: from nurturing personal development, to actively participating in society, to (re)entering the job market as an employee or as a self-employed person, and also to starting up ventures (cultural, social or commercial). This competence model is used to define the Open Badges that you can earn during this learning playlist.

Why should you do this playlist
To understand how you can recognize and strengthen entrepreneurial traits and skills in yourself. And to be aware about how to take advantage of them. Within this playlist you will be aware and work on the all necessary steps to assess your ability to get  “into action”   
Activity 1.Taking the initiative: You will practice how to get started and Go for it 
Activity 2. Planning  & Management: You will practice how to Prioritize, organize and follow up 
Activity 3. Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk, You will practice decision making and  dealing with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
Activity 4. Working with others: you will practice how to Team-up, collaborate and network
Activity 5. Learning through experience: you will Learn by doing 

For each completed activity you can earn a micro-credential badge. When all steps are fulfilled you will earn the Playlist Into Action Badge. Within this playlist you will be aware and work on the all necessary steps to assess your ability to get  “into action”   

Good luck and have fun!

There are two other playlist where you can learn and show how to be entrepreneurial: 
  • Learning Playlist Ideas and Oportunities
  • Learning Playlist The Entrepreneurial Resources Box

Atividades para concluir

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Taking the initiative
Unknown duration
View full activity


You can get aware and capitalize on the following skills
  • Initiate processes that create value
  • Take up challenges
  • Act and work independently to achieve goals, stick to intentions and carry out planned tasks
Following the learning activities which target the above skills will lead to your
gaining of the “Taking the initiative” Badge

Taking the initiative
When you show initiative, you do things without being told; you find out what you need to know; you keep going when things get tough and you spot and take advantage of opportunities that others pass by. You act, instead of reacting, at home, at school, at work or at an organization you’re involved with.
Taking Initiative has become increasingly important as a skill/competence. Most organizations want employees who can think for themselves and take action without waiting for someone to tell them what to do.
Taking Initiative means that you’re using your head and that you have the flexibility, drive and determination to achieve things. This is needed to push teams and organizations to innovate and to overcome competition. “Without initiative you will just basically sit back and let the world happen to you as opposed to making the world your oyster.”

Get activity badge

Taking the initiative Get this badge

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill Taking the initiatieve, by initiating processes that create value, which connects with the area Into action (foundation level) of Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.
Following the learning activities which target the above skills will lead to your gaining of the The initiative and me Badge

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks.
Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Step 1: Give your own definition of ‘Taking initiative’ and think about at least 3 reasons why it is important to take initiative. Show your definition and answers. You will need it later.

Step 2: Watch the video What is Initiative alone or with some of your friends/colleagues. Compare your previous definition and answers and give yourself a score of 1-3 to the extent that it matches with what you know after watching the video ( 1= no match at-all, 2= some match 3= great match)


Heerlen-Centrum, Heerlen, Netherlands
Take up the challenge
Unknown duration


#Take actions
Atividades: 3
Iniciado em: 3
Playlist completada em: 0


Gilde Plus
A Badgecraft roda uma infra-estrutura web para Cidades e Regiões de Aprendizagem. O consórcio Europeu desenvolve esta plataforma com o co-financiamento do programa da União Europeia Erasmus+
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union